Meet Mark.
Mark began his professional career as a students pastor for fifteen years. At the same time, he completed three masters and doctoral studies in ancient Near Eastern and Classical Literature, specializing in Second Temple Judaism, Early Christianities, and Rabbinic Literature.
In the year of his comprehensive exams, Mark took his first coaching client and developed his first program for teaching emotional and relational intelligence to high-performers. This began a lifelong obsession with helping professionals become excellent human beings.
Mark packed in his longstanding plans to be a professor of ancient literature and archaeology and began a quest to teach “the good life” to young career professionals. He transitioned to full-time entrepreneurship and client work and never looked back.
Mark loves to watch the human spirit grow. He practices coaching with the belief that ancient wisdom brings quality of life and practice to the modern professional.
Philosophy Kings is the culmination of his educational and teaching journey.
Philosopher Kings.
Plato explains in The Republic, that the rulers of a Utopian society ought to be 1) philosophers not politicians and 2) marked by ethical training before ever coming to power. Because of this, a Philosopher King 3) thinks, speaks, and acts with uncommon wisdom, knowledge, and virtue.
Problem is, Utopia is nowhere by definition (get it?). No world is perfect and no workplace is perfect either. At Philosopher Kings we empower professionals to rule over their unique context by thinking, speaking, and acting with the virtues which the greatest ancient thinkers taught and embodied for centuries:
Philosopher Kings is an education platform and environment designed to bring you into the lifelong pursuit of Plato’s ideal. In making progress, you will find new resolve, purpose, and legacy in your professional and personal life. We believe your generation is here to change the world. We believe you can become Philosopher Kings.
Our Story.
Philosopher Kings is a relatively new take on a very old idea. After being around professionals for decades, Mark observed how often the most skilled practitioners still struggled with stress, anxiety, overload, and relating to co-workers/clients/patients. As a result, most professionals succumb to patterns of moral struggle, addictions, and most often, unnamed frustration and loathing for the very job they trained for in the first place.
Philosopher Kings is designed to invite next generation professionals to lead the way in thinking, speaking, and acting with tranquility and virtue alongside a compelling community. We want you to kill it and thrive at work and at home as a young professional.
Philosopher Kings is for young professionals who wish to lower their daily struggle and optimize how they think, speak, and act towards knowledge, wisdom, and virtue. It is for next-gen pros who want to be happier, healthier, wealthier, and uncommonly good at their craft. Our community will help you level up as a practitioner and person.
It is not for people who no longer wish to grow, think they have already learned everything they need to know, are content with coasting, fine with moral relativity, or want to continue in daily anxiety and drama. Some people really do run on stress… they just never become Philosopher Kings.
The Thinking Behind Our Product Suite.
At Philosopher Kings, we believe in proven, practical frameworks which create easily recalled mental models in the thinking of our clients. Progress is much more attainable if you can always remember how to think, speak, and act when it matters most. Our products take you into a real-life problem faced by countless young professionals and equip you with a clear way to think, speak, and act towards a solution.
Every product we offer has been proven on real people in real leadership contexts. We stand by our product suite in its ability to changed the way you think, speak, and act.
Foremost in the goals of everything we make is practicality. We want everyone who comes across anything produced by Philosopher Kings to find real mind transformation which changes their words and actions.
All Philosopher Kings products follow simple, repeatable frameworks for success. You never have to wonder about the next right step. It may take courage to go forward, but you will never lose the path.